images, images, images
all around me are images
is this all i’m created for?
is this all that i’m made for?
a spy, a gun, a fight, a « Run! »
the good ones have always won.
and me? is this all that i’m good for?
not wanting to exist
out of nowhere, into my head
accompanies me ‘till the end
so if i walk by you today,
please get out of my way
i am the embodiment of a ghost
that you can’t touch, see or hear
whoever, whenever, wherever you are
a friend, a colleague, a mother, a father
don’t look at me, don’t touch me
let me cease to exist, just for today
for death is not what i want
i want to be a thought, a ghost,
leave my skin, or better yet,
i want to never have been.
images images, images
a certain hunger
an interminable thirst
invades my body and mind.
i need my images
i need them until i find
what i needed to find
what it was i forgot.
my brain’s deterioration
is deterrent, determined
its extermination
is quick and quiet,
loud and violent.
love, sex, war, chaos, fights, drugs
one say « we must do something! »
another: « let’s go and do anything! »
while i’m lying here, watching,
dumb, numb and rotting,
simply not existing.
tick tack tick tack tick tick
tick tick boom!
my mind is a time bomb
let me go back to my room
images, images, images
images everywhere, everywhere images
images of cats, images of dogs,
images of beautiful women and beautiful men
images of love, images of death
everywhere there are images,
images are the bane of my existence
inertia is my middle name
ineradicable, inevitable
trust me when i say
i’m not neurotic.
static, static, static
this is how it’ll be
“to be or not to be?”
i choose to not be
or is it really a choice for me?
Is it the same for thee?
today, i choose to stay
stay in my house, stay in my bed
believe me, my dear friend,
it’s not that hard to play dead.
for what does it really mean
to be dead, or alive?
are any of us alive?
do any of us choose
rotting away in our abuse?
tell me what to do, where to go
for i am nothing if not a puppet
pop pop pop pop puppet
up, down, down and up
left, left, left and right.
a hypnotist puts me in a trance
trance, trance, trance
like a moth to the flame
i’m willingly playing its game
a deer in headlights
a bull in bullfights
i am nothing but a name.
a silent voice in my head
creeps into my bed
asks me cautiously
is this what you want
to do with your life?
to that, I respond by
rotting away in my
meaningless existence.
images, images, images
don’t take away my images;
for images are the cure for my
miserable existence.
"L’Histoire de Tite-Live, où l’on raconte celle de Lucrèce, la montre pour la première fois en train de travailler la laine avec ses servantes."
sonbahar rüzgarı alır götürür gözyaşını
bastığı yeri görmeden atar her bir adımını
cennetin berrak denizi uzanıyor karşımda
masmavi dalgaların sesleri kulaklarımda çınlıyor
Sevebilmek isterdim seni;
Saçlarımı öyle okşamasan da,