Loneliness is a lightless shadow,
Looking to fill another loneliness;
With shame, until himself.
Comes down from his mountains,
Without a sound saying “come”, that calls out..
A light that turns to his eyes.
Him in his shadows,
Lightlessness in shadows.
A light that doesn’t have a shadow
Lonely until the end of time
To complete himself looks
For a shadow; quiet, soft, asleep.
Looks by himself, reaches from his hands to his face with a sense
That can overshadow him.
Işıksız bir gölgedir yalnızlık,
Arar bütünlemeye bir başka yalnızlığı;
Yazık ki taa kendine dek.
İner dağından dağından,
Bulamaz bir ses, gel diyen, çağıran..
Gözlerine yönelmiş bir ışık.
Gölgesinde kendisi,
Gölgesinde ışıksızlık.
Gölge vermeyen bir ışık
Yalnızlığını sürdürürken sonsuza dek,
Arar kendini bütünlesin diye
Bir gölge, sessiz, yumuşak, uyuyan.
Arar tek başına, elleri yüzüne uzanık bir anlam,
Kendisini gölgeleyecek.
Mum Aleviyle Oynayan Kedinin Öyküsü
There was a burning candle in the room of a house
And there was a cat in that house.
Yapma Çiçekler
A naked woman
Comes from her beauty mountains
Tahir ile Zühre Meselesi
It's not shameful to be Tahir, nor to be Zühre
It's not shameful to die for love either
Nothing caused him as much pain
As his callus caused;
Benimki yalnızca teşhis
For instance at night, around how many stars form a space
For instance here, around how many cities shape a homeland
İstanbul Türküsü
In Istanbul, in Bosphorus
I am a poor Orhan Veli,