The sky was blue, blue
The clouds were white, white
In its void and sadness
How strange the summer was…1
Strange, beautiful, then gloomy
Light and rain together,
A ballad that is sorrowful, lengthy,
And the roses that bloom when you smile,
The clouds were white, white,
The shadows were misty, deep;
O the wind that never dies down
And the sleep of flowers.
A plane tree under the purple light
Or under the chestnut tree;
Flow drowsy looks
In the mid-afternoon…
Your face that smiles suddenly
In the mirror of the mornings
And the sorrow that makes me crazy
Between two looks.
1Translator’s Note: In this context, the poet employs the word "yaz", which carries dual meanings: it can denote either the season "summer" or the past tense of the verb "to write." Consequently, the phrase "ne garip yazdı" can alternatively be interpreted as "How strangely he/she wrote…".
Mavi, maviydi gökyüzü
Bulutlar beyaz, beyazdı
Boşluğu ve üzüntüsü
İçinde ne garip yazdı…
Garip, güzel, sonra mahzun
Işıkla yağmur beraber,
Bir türkü ki gamlı, uzun,
Ve sen gülünce açan güller,
Beyaz, beyazdı bulutlar,
Gölgeler buğulu, derin;
Ah o hiç dinmeyen rüzgâr
Ve uykusu çiçeklerin.
Mor aydınlıkta bir çınar
Veya kestane dibinde;
Mahmur süzülen bakışlar
İkindi saatlerinde…
Birden gülümseyen yüzün
Sabahların aynasında
Ve beni çıldırtan hüzün
İki bakış arasında.
Mum Aleviyle Oynayan Kedinin Öyküsü
There was a burning candle in the room of a house
And there was a cat in that house.
Yapma Çiçekler
A naked woman
Comes from her beauty mountains
Tahir ile Zühre Meselesi
It's not shameful to be Tahir, nor to be Zühre
It's not shameful to die for love either
Nothing caused him as much pain
As his callus caused;
Benimki yalnızca teşhis
For instance at night, around how many stars form a space
For instance here, around how many cities shape a homeland
İstanbul Türküsü
In Istanbul, in Bosphorus
I am a poor Orhan Veli,