O its memory is huge as a vow,
O its garden’s door, open for days of delight,
The first love, that still appears in my dreams,
A warm kiss on the forehead of children...
O the first bud, blossomed in my branch of love,
The vein that renewed my blood flow,
Nights with pinkish lights, full of love,
The child who rises to my heart like a new dawn.
O the hollyhocks, climbing over the wood curtain
And the spring, filled with our voices,
The roads we run, the water we play in,
The ship that carries joy in its paper boat.
The dream, that brings your warmth to my bed,
Hearing the azan from the minaret ahead.
The world that I live within its seas,
And o the horizon of the coast, reaching the white heavens.
O! The plum tree that reminds so many things
And the yearning, the dungeon that begins with the first journey
Behind the car with ornamented horses
The first pain that has been waving in my white, linen handkerchief.
Ey hatırası içimde yemin kadar büyük,
Ey bahçesinin hoş günlere açık kapısı
Hala rüyalarıma giren ilk göz ağrısı,
Çocuk alınlarda duyulan sıcak öpücük.
Ey sevgi dalımda ilk çiçek açan tomurcuk,
Kanımın akışını yenileştiren damar,
Gül rengi ışıkları sevda dolu akşamlar
İçime yeni bir fecir gibi dolan çocuk.
Ey tahta perdenin üzerinden aşan hatmi
Ve havaları seslerimizle dolu bahar,
Koşuştuğumuz yollar, oynadığımız sular,
Kağıttan teknesinde sevinç taşıyan gemi.
Duyup karşı minarede okunan yatsıyı
Yatağıma sıcaklığını getiren rüya,
Denizlerinde onunla yaşadığım dünya
Ve ey ufku beyaz cennetlere giden kıyı.
Ah! Birçok şeyler hatırlatan erik ağacı
Ve o ilk yolculukla başlayan hasret, zindan;
Atları çıngıraklı arabanın ardından
Beyaz, keten mendilimde sallanan ilk acı.
Mum Aleviyle Oynayan Kedinin Öyküsü
There was a burning candle in the room of a house
And there was a cat in that house.
Yapma Çiçekler
A naked woman
Comes from her beauty mountains
Tahir ile Zühre Meselesi
It's not shameful to be Tahir, nor to be Zühre
It's not shameful to die for love either
Nothing caused him as much pain
As his callus caused;
Benimki yalnızca teşhis
For instance at night, around how many stars form a space
For instance here, around how many cities shape a homeland
İstanbul Türküsü
In Istanbul, in Bosphorus
I am a poor Orhan Veli,